Balance Short-Term Needs and Long-Term Goals
Balancing short-term needs with long-term goals can be challenging, especially from a stress reduction perspective. It’s important to acknowledge that some stress may always be part of the equation, and that’s okay. Long-term goals are demanding, and present-day stress is just a reflection of a moment in time. By zooming out to see the bigger picture and then zooming back in to focus on immediate actions, you can maintain perspective and stay on track. One way to do this involves identifying a budgeting system that works for you.
Budgeting is often seen as a fixed process, but it doesn’t have to retain the same structure forever – in fact it likely won’t. A realistic approach to budgeting should include a review of past activities and a forecast for the future, creating space for unexpected or irregular expenses. This approach can reduce stress by preparing for the unknown.
Budgeting also creates awareness around where you can decrease spending and whether or not you should consider increasing your income.
If you are looking for additional support, there are several professional resources available:
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB):
- Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education (AFCPE):
- Financial Therapy Association:
- These organizations offer valuable tools and guidance to help you navigate financial anxiety and other financial challenges.